Listen to the Radio 20,000 km Away

Today with the internet it’s possible to find absolutely everything. The only thing missing is organization. With  tens or even hundreds of thousands of radios publishing their broadcast all over the web, it’s still hard to find specific ones.

Image representing TuneIn as depicted in Crunc...Therefore, i’m glad to say that I have found a solution for one of the internet’s organizational problems. With TuneIn your able to find the majority of radio stations out there. You can find local, international, and other types of stations. Whats exceptional about this website is that you can find specific stations in foreign countries, that would be almost impossible to find on the web. Give it a try here, and enjoy listening to your favorite stations.

Earl Scruggs dies at the age of 88

Earl Scruggs a talented banjo player dies at Nashville, Tennessee. He has donated to our world some great music. Earl is most known for Live at Kansas State, Rockin’ ‘Cross the Country, and much more. It should be also noted that he won a Grammy in 1969 for Foggy Mountain Breakdown Below are some of his best works. Enjoy!

Remix Nature Sounds Into A Compisition

Screenshot of WAV file ripped from 2005 remast...

Image via Wikipedia

This is a really cool free online program. You can remix all kinds of natural sounds you would find outside in nature (animals, rain, bonfire,…etc.). After you create your own composition you can save it to your computer as a WAV sound file or you can create a link (but for the link you need register some information). If you want to hear my composition just click on this URL. Or you can click below to view this awesome website/program. Just make sure you have a recently updated flash player or some features may not work. Enjoy.



7 Million Songs Streamed To You

Phantastic Phonogram

Deezer will stream to you over 7 million songs. All you have to do is search for the artist or band and you can listen to your favourite music for free. You can also share your favourite songs on Twitter or Facebook. But more importantly you can create your own playlists. Enjoy!

Live Streaming of Oldies

With Playa Cofi Jukebox you can listen to all the oldies music 1950-1989. You will be reliving your past. This website lets you choose the age of your favourite oldies and then you can listen all you want to a live stream of multiple songs to your computer. It gives you some good quality sound the majority of the time. Have fun!

Itunes Unlimited or Spotify

Spotify icon

Image by pedroarilla via Flickr

Think about Itunes, but without limits. No charges to your VISA. Only music. Well with Spotify it has the same UI (User Interface) as Itunes but that’s the ony thing similar about them because from there they split into two different directions. Spotify streams unlimited music to your computer. It’s as if your library has millions of songs and takes up almost zero space. And you don’t have to pay for anything. But unfortunately there is a catch to everything. Spotify is only available in the Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden or United Kingdom. But you can use it outside of those countries but you need someone there to register you so you can use Spotify. But their currently expanding to the US and Canada if your willing to wait. Have fun!

Email Up to 2GB With WeTransfer

The at sign, a part of every e-mail address Kl...

Image via Wikipedia

Did you ever need to email somebody a file bigger then ten MB or more? And your email wouldn’t let you? Well that problem is fixed with WeTransfer. They let you email multiple people your file/files which can be 2 GB per transfer. So after sending one you can send more. 2 GB, 4 GB, 6 GB, 8 GB… The possibilities are endless. But hopefully you wont need to transfer so much space. Nice and simple UI (User Interface). You will also get a confirmation email when the recipient has downloaded the file/files you sent. The only draw back is that sending the file takes some time. 2GB = 3 Hours. But its all sent securely with an encryption over the internet. So you don’t have to worry about security because its using HTTPS. Here is a below to their site.

Download Music and Videos off of Youtube with DVDVideoSoft

Image representing DVDVideoSoft as depicted in...

Image via CrunchBase

Have you ever want to download music for free? Without risking your computer to viruses and spyware. Now you can with DVDVideoSoft who have created a free software to do so. All you have to do is download it and then copy & paste the YouTube video and choose if you want to download it as music or video. It will convert it to any device too. They also offer you other software such as…video and audio editing, burning and ripping, image and photo. All are free to download and use. Nice and simple UI (User Interface). No virus or spyware comes with download. The only possible draw back is that it takes sometime to download. It’s not as fast as P2P networks. But it has higher quality music and video. Here is a link to their site below. Have fun!

MP3 Blog… That Blogs About Music and Gives You Music. For FREE.

It’s not surprising that it offers us the option to download music for free because music is everywhere on the internet but more surprising enough it also gives us a link to purchase it too because the author of the blog wants to support the artists. You can only download the songs for a limited amount of time; so its nothing like a P2P network.  But still the blog navigates us through the labyrinth of the internet and in the end it finds us some really great music. Check it out by clicking the link below.