Time to Move Your Clock One Hour Forward, Again (Daylight Saving Time)

As I said in the title, today your clock should be an hour ahead because of Daylight Saving Time. But do you know why we even have Day Light Saving Time? Well we have it for a reason. Think about it. Daylight Saving Time. Your saving daylight with time. That’s all to it. When the majority of the world wakes up they end up leaving the house in the morning when the sun is already shining. Now by waking up an hour earlier the world saves energy because we get more sunlight in the day and in hot places Daylight Saving Time saves energy used from turning on the fan or some other cooling system. Same thing with cold places. You end up turning the heat lower when its sunny so you would be also saving lots of energy. But some places in the world don’t use Daylight Saving Time because it wouldn’t save them energy because they already wake up before the sun is shinning or for other reasons. Just look at the map and you will see places that don’t use Daylight Saving Time or places that used too. If you want to read more click the article below.


Free Graphic Typing Lessons

Computer keyboard, view from down

Image via Wikipedia

Are you really slow at typing or really fast? Nevertheless you can always improve either way. And in result a question such as this may pop up in your mind “Why should I care?”. Well the answer is fairily obvious. By learning to type faster you save time. And time is money. So by doing these few exercises online for free you would be saving lots of money. It doesn’t matter what you use it for. Emailing, work, social networking. It stills saves you time and money. So by practicing 5 mins a day for a whole week your speed will increase just by that. And if you want to type faster sooner than start now and do it for longer periods of time during the week. Enjoy saving your time!
